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April 23, 2005
Draft Day
Football players, like prostitutes, are in the business of ruining their bodies for the pleasure of strangers. ~Merle Kessler
Well, we needed a RB. I'm not sure how to feel about Ronnie Brown. On one hand, he looks like a good catch -- low mileage on those legs, good instincts in college play, and impressive stats when he was able to play.
A hamstring injury already under his belt. In a league where injuries are getting worse and worse. On a team where injuries have murdered us season after season.
Oy vey.
I'm not an idiot. I wasn't expecting a Marino or a Larry Csonka, and Brown seems like a possible break-out. But, you know, once burned, twice shy. What happens when you've been burned for ten seasons running?
Pigskin by Doxy at 04:15 PM | permalink | talkback (2)
Yeah, I wasn't so sure about that pick either. Did your guys try to trade down? I suspect my team, the 49ers, were trying right down to the wire to trade down but no one is sure enough about the top crop to trade up this year.
I'm not really confident in our pick, QB Alex Smith from Utah. Sure, he's got talent, but I'm not convinced he's a fit, and I'm not convinced this was the year to draft a top QB when we've got no line and no serious threat at RB or WR. I mean, no protection, no one to catch the ball, we could have Montana and Marino in this draft and we'd still have a huge problem.
Fingers crossed, huh?
Posted by: Karl Elvis MacRae at April 23, 2005 07:49 PM
You needed an RB, and you got an RB -- what's the problem? Dan Marino and Larry Csonka weren't even RBs! They were a DM and an LC, respectively.
Posted by: Todd Larason at April 23, 2005 07:49 PM
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