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April 12, 2005

Post Secrets

Tell your friend a lie. If he keeps it secret, then tell him the truth. ~ Portuguese Proverb

I'm not sure whether Post Secret is ultimately fascinating or disturbing, but it is often both for me. It reminds me somewhat of MTV's late "Love Line" where you had the impression 80% of the questions weren't legitimate, but were being asked to give the person what they thought of as their five minutes of fame.

But it's the other 20% that gets me. When you see confessions like:

"I liked myself better as a boy."
"I started shooting heroin again."
"Everyone who knew me before 9/11 thinks I'm dead."
"I haven't told my father that I have the same disease that killed my mother."
"For years I hurt myself so that he'd notice me."

And you think: "...if just one of those is true...."

Police say that the urge to confess has helped solve more cases than fingerprint identification.

So, I'm not sure. Is it more cynical to believe the majority of these are true, or to think of them as bogus, even when the potential "fame seekers" have little to gain attention-wise?

Groovy | Idle Prattle by Doxy at 06:02 PM | permalink | talkback (0)


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