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April 06, 2005
It’s a Small World After All
If you can dream it, then you can do it. ~ Disney Imagineers (via EPCOT’s now defunct Horizons)
When I was just a little girl (I asked my mother, what would I be...) I led a very privileged life, and it was not at all unusual to go to Walt Disney World ten times a year. And that’s a very conservative estimate.
I am not the Disneyphile I was in my teens or in the years that followed. Once, on a dare, friends blindfolded me in the passenger’s seat of a car and challenged me to navigate Disney property. I won.
These days, well, I want to stand outside and throw hissy fits when I see Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride morphed into Pooh’s Great Adventure…or whatever the fuck it is. And what they’ve done to the Enchanted Tiki Room? Well that’s just goddamn blasphemy.
So I don’t go and when I do, I irritate people by calling the Buzz Lightyear ride “If You Had Wings.”
I’m sentimental in a ridiculously insane way about the park I knew as a kid. Before it became its own country. Like Rod Serling’s obsession with the carousel he rode as a boy, I just want to go back for a little while and pet the horse Fred that conveyed me down Main Street a hundred times.
Eh. I’m not going to go on about this, but let’s just say that Cory Doctrow’s Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom hits WAY too close to home for me.
I thought I’d shunned WDW like the childhood playmate that stole my Donny Osmond doll and pretended it was hers (purple socks and all, the little cunt).
But, what happens the minute Google launches Satellite views on Google Maps? I go right to Disney World. It’s the cyber way of driving by your ex’s street.
But, come on. How cool is this:
Other Cool Google Maps:
The Luxor, Las Vegas
The Bellagio, Las Vegas
Devil’s Tower National Monument, Wyoming
Pro Player Stadium, Davie, Florida
The University of Miami Campus
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Da Mouse | Groovy | Inner Geek by Doxy at 02:13 AM | permalink | talkback (1)
Out here on the left coast, we still have Mister Toad. Come visit, I'll give you the tour. I'll behave. Really.
Posted by: Karl Elvis MacRae at April 6, 2005 12:19 PM
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