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March 31, 2005

We Are the Music Makers and We Are the Dreamers of Dreams

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. ~ Roald Dahl
Sophie Dahl Banned

So where the hell was I in December of 2000 that I wasn't aware of the lovely trinket known as Sophie Dahl posing nekkid for Opium on billboards all over Europe? Oh...that's right, I was in a five-alarm depression about the stolen election that took place a month before.

Another hideous sin I can blame on Bush, Inc.

Sophie is the granddaughter of Roald Dahl (childrens' book author who delighted my childhood reading time with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, The Witches, and a slew of other gems). Somehow that makes her being a fashion / pin-up model all the more nummy. She's also a voluptuous vixen that needs to be in her birthday suit way more often.

Of course, the UK banned the ad all over the place, which at least goes to show puritan idiots aren't unique to North America. More pictures below.

Props to Molehill even if he can't keep his server stable.

Sophie Dahl

Sophie Dahl

Sophie Dahl

Sophie Dahl

Naughty Bits by Doxy at 04:58 PM | permalink | talkback (1)


Nummy. Exactly the right word.

Posted by: Karl Elvis MacRae [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 31, 2005 11:31 PM

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