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April 28, 2005

The Girl I Am

Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb. ~ Yul Brynner

Why do I take such foolish pleasure in silly quizzes that cannot possibly measure the worth of a person or deliver any sort of real insight? Who knows. Well, I always take them twice and I always come out with two different results each time. So, I'm apparently somewhere between:

Indie Girl Academic Girl

Think this is dumb? Blame Ray.

Idle Prattle by Doxy at 08:52 PM | permalink | talkback (1)


Wait a minnit. Where's the slut girl? We're missing some from that test...

Posted by: Karl Elvis MacRae [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 29, 2005 11:39 AM

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