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April 13, 2005

You Say It's Your Birthday? It's My Birthday, Too

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ~ Robert Frost

The soothsayers opine on my big day:

April 13, 2005
Don't let a momentary distraction pull your attention away from what's really important to you. Not that you can't give anyone or anything new a quick glance -- you wouldn't be you if you didn't. Just keep your eye on the ball.

April 13, 2005
Take some time to do whatever is necessary to make yourself and others comfortable with the coming changes. Others may mean well today, but sometimes they promise more than they are able to deliver. Do not expect everyone to follow through on their promises. Stop searching for what you think you don't have, Aries.

ARIES - 04/13/05
This is another fine day for affectionate ties to grow stronger. Your high energy must be directed into productive goals, or frustrations will occur. Your hypnotic eyes will capture the hearts of those who interest you.

Your Birthday Horoscope for 04/13
If you are born on April 13th, then you know that you are a motivator, one able to get things moving, and you are often credited as doing so with grace and charm. The ruling planet for this birthday is Uranus which adds a dash of eccentricity to your generally tenacious demeanor. You continually unearth new approaches to that which most others pursue in traditional ways. As a mate you are well-balanced, if hesitant to show vulnerabilities. You give and receive about the same, although your habit to only see the good in those you love can be an exploitive loophole in your customarily well-secured defenses. Your mate must be a person possessed of patience and the desire to see through your hard and highly polished outer shell; they must connect with what is special about you. While they will find it easy to take shelter in your acceptance and forgiveness, they must also be disciplined enough to not take advantage of your generous nature.

Be on the watch today and remind yourself that confusion can only take place if you're too stubborn or embarrassed to ask for clarification.

Wednesday, 13th April 2005
Everything, these days, comes with a health warning. Even chocolate bars have to alert us to the slight risk of 'contamination' from nuts. Weirdly, though, there are no signs or signals reminding us that it can be hazardous to cross the road. Nor do tax demands come with letters advising us that financial anxiety can be stressful and may be bad for us. The big issue in your life now contains a real hidden danger. But be aware... and you'll be fine.

Mirth by Doxy at 04:10 AM | permalink | talkback (1)


Happy Birthday, Dox, and thank your mom and dad for making you. They done good. B^)

Posted by: Karl Elvis MacRae [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 13, 2005 11:43 AM

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